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Job Vacancy

Candidații acceptați (lista scurtă) să participe la interviul din data de 25.10.2023

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De |octombrie 19th, 2023|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancy

4 posturi vacante de experți evaluare

Secretariatul Comun pentru Programul Interreg V-A România-Bulgaria are 4 oportunități de angajare. Aceasta este o oportunitate captivantă de a vă alătura unei echipe internaționale care lucrează în domeniul dezvoltării teritoriale și regionale.

Biroul Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Călărași pentru granița România-Bulgaria caută să angajeze experți pentru a-și completa echipa, după cum […]

De |septembrie 26th, 2023|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancy

The final results of the recruitment process no. 38/28.07.2023, launched in order to fill in one vacancy within the Joint Secretariats General Department For download click here.

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview on 28th August 2023 For download click here

1 information and promotion expert

The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A […]

De |iulie 28th, 2023|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancy

The final results of the recruitment process no. 37/19.07.2023, launched in order to fill in one vacancy within the Joint Secretariats General Department For download click here.

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview on 17th August 2023 For download click here

1 information and promotion expert

The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A […]

De |iulie 19th, 2023|Fără categorie, Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancies

The final results of the recruitment process no. 36/17.07.2023, launched in order fill in 6 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department For download click here.

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview on 16th August 2023” For download click here

3 contracting experts

2 assessment experts

1 financial expert


The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg […]

De |iulie 18th, 2023|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancies

The final results of the recruitment process no. 35/14.07.2023, launched in order to fill in 10 vacancies within the Joint Secretariate General Department For download click here.

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview on 18th August 2023 For download click here

3 contracting experts

6 assessment experts

1 assistant

The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg […]

De |iulie 14th, 2023|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

The Integrated Territorial Strategy for the Development of the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Area

The stakeholders’ consultation on the development of the Integrated
Territorial Strategy for the development of the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border
area is in full swing!

In the next period, four ONLINE meetings will take place, as follows:

Focus group for discussing the analysis of
the cross-border territory and main areas of interest – 7 March / 10:00-12:00 […]

De |martie 6th, 2023|Noutati- Evenimente|0 Comentarii

La mulți ani de Ziua Națională a Bulgariei!

Doamna Nicoleta MINCU,
Director Executiv al BRCT Călărași împreună cu o echipă de angajați bulgari și
români din cadrul BRCT Călărași, au avut onoarea de a participa joi 2 martie
2023, la recepția oferită de Excelența Sa domnul Radko VLAYKOV, Ambasador Extraordinar
și Plenipotențiar al Republicii Bulgare în România, cu ocazia Zilei Naționale a
Republicii Bulgaria, celebrând 145 de ani […]

De |martie 3rd, 2023|Noutati- Evenimente|0 Comentarii

The final results of the recruitment process no. 34/07.10.2022, launched in order fill in 7 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department

For download click here.

De |noiembrie 9th, 2022|Noutati- Evenimente|0 Comentarii

Admitted candidates

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview.

For download click here.

De |octombrie 31st, 2022|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii